Etosha National Park, a 20,000 square meter area in the North of Namibia, is a wildlife watcher’s paradise during the dry season. Hundreds of animals such as elephants, zebras, antelopes, wildebeests, giraffes and ostriches put on a fantastic show: whether they are just wandering along the white salt-crusted roads, or roaming knee-high through the gold […]
Etosha National Park, a 20,000 square meter area in the North of Namibia, is a wildlife watcher’s paradise during the dry season. Hundreds of animals such as elephants, zebras, antelopes, wildebeests, giraffes and ostriches put on a fantastic show: whether they are just wandering along the white salt-crusted roads, or roaming knee-high through the gold and ocher grasses of the savannah, or just gathering at waterholes at sunrise for a drink. Lions and rhinoceros aren’t as widespread in these parts: I saw a few but I couldn’t manage to get close enough for perfect pictures… Next time maybe!